TCAT Exit Interview and Placement Information- TCAT Hohenwald
Questions marked with a
are required
First Name
Last Name
Address 2
ZIP/Postal Code
Email Address
Phone Number
Which program did you most recently complete/ exit?
-- Select --
520402 Administrative Office Technology
120409 Aesthetics Technology
470604 Automotive Technology
490415 Building Construction Technology
151301 Computer Aided Design Technology
120401 Cosmetology
120413 Cosmetology Instructor Training
500402 Digital Graphic Design Technology
470302 Electro-Mechanical Technology
470105 Electronic Systems
470303 Industrial Maintenance
480501 Machine Tool Technology
120410 Manicuring
513901 Practical Nursing
510909 Surgical Technology
150305 Telecommunications Technology/Technician
480508 Welding Technology
Please rate the school's
using the following scale:
4=Excellent 3=Good 2=Satisfactory 1=Poor N/A*=Not Applicable
(*this was a program or service unrelated to your course of study)
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Lab, shop and/or test equipment
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Live-Work Projects, Practical Experiences, Clinical Experiences
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Occupational Instructor
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
School Administrator
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Financial Aid (scholarships, grants, work study, etc.)
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Job Placement Services
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Student Life Activities (job fairs, guest speakers, special events, etc.)
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Physical Condition of the School
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Satisfactory
1 = Poor
N/A* = Not Applicable
Please indicate your reason for leaving school
Completed Course/ Program
Financial Hardship
Course/ Program are no longer of interest to me
Course/ Program is not required for my job/ career
Familial Obligations
Personal Reasons
Please indicate your reason for leaving schoolOther (please specify)
During your time at the TCAT, how often do feel you received the proper instruction?
If you responded with "Sometimes", "Rarely", or "Never", please explain your answer in the space provided
Which of the following Student Services did you utilize during your time at this TCAT?
Academic Counseling
Mental Health Counseling
Financial Aid
Student Activities
Which of the following Student Services did you utilize during your time at this TCAT?Other (please specify)
If you selected"Financial Aid" in the question above, please indicate the type of aid you received:
Pell Grant
College Work Study
Wilder- Naifeh Lottery Scholarship
If you selected"Financial Aid" in the question above, please indicate the type of aid you received:Other (please specify)
As a former student, we value and seek to incorporate your feedback to improve our practices.
Are there any areas where our school did particularly well? Are there any suggestions or areas of improvement?
The next group of questions are related to employment and job placement information.
What is your current employment status?
I am employed in an occupation related to my training.
I am employed in an occupation which is not related to my training
I am presently in the Armed Services
I am continuing my education.
I am currently seeking employment.
If you are not currently employed, please indicate the reason ( illness, retirement, pregnancy, etc).
Employer's Phone Number:
Job Title:
Supervisor's Name:
Dates of employment (Start/ Stop or Present):
Numbers of hours worked each week:
Employer Email Address:
Employer's Mailing Address:
If you are presently employed
if you have been employed since your graduation, please indicate your hourly wage range
$ 6.01-$8.00
$ 8.01-$10.00
Over $25.00
If you are presently employed
if you have been employed since your graduation, did your training or experiences at the TCAT assist you in obtaining this job?
If you are presently employed
if you have been employed since your graduation, did your training or experiences at the TCAT assist you in obtaining this job?If you answered "No" above, please explain how you obtained your job:
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
If you have any additional comments or suggestions, please include them below.
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